Principal Information
Welcome to
Rogers Elementary School! Bienvenidos!
August 3, 2023
Dear Rogers’ Parents and Guardians,
I am proud to be the new Principal of Rogers Elementary. I am beginning my 23rd year as an educator and I taught 1st and 3rd grade before becoming a school administrator. My husband and I recently moved to the area and we already love all that Colorado Springs has to offer. I had the opportunity to meet with most of the Roger's staff in May and feel so blessed to be a part of a school community where students are the focus and the school community is so supportive. I look forward to meeting parents, students, and the school community and supporting Rogers to continue to be a fantastic school. Safety is extremely important to me as well as student achievement and growth. My belief is that every student deserves the opportunity to grow at least one full academic year and hopefully more each school year. You will hear my mantra around the school: Every Student Counts, Every Moment Matters!
My door is always open, please contact me with any questions or concerns, or just stop by and say hello!
Warm Regards,
Mrs. Morrell
3 e agosto de 2023
Estimados padres y tutores de Rogers,
Estoy orgullosa e ser la nueva directora de la primeria Rogers. Estoy comenzando me ano 23 como educador y ensene' primero y terver grado antes de convertirme en adminstrador de la escuela. Mi esposo y yo nos mudamos recetemente a la zona y ya nos encanta todo lo que Colorado Sprins tine para ofrecer. Tuve la oportunida de reunirme con la mayoria del personal de Roger's en mayo y e siento muy bendecida de ser parte de una comunida escolar donde los esudiantes son el enfoque y la comunia escolar brinda tanto apoyo. Espero conocer a los padres, los estudiantes y la counidad esoclar y apoyar a Rogers para que siga siendo una escuela fantastica. La seguridad es extremaamente importante para mi, asi como el rendimiento y el crecimiento de los estudiantes. Mi puerta siempre esta abierta, couniquese conmigo si tiene alguna pregunta o inqetud, o simplemente pase y salude!
Un cordial saluo,
Sra. Morrell